500 million people. Yeah okay, but what's the relevance of this number? It is the number of people who currently use Instagram Stories on a daily basis since the feature's... read more →
A good story draws someone in with its creativity, empathy, excitement, and spontaneity. In the world of digital marketing, this is what consumers crave. Long gone are the days of... read more →
As king of the social media world, Facebook can do it all. It can help you find friends and family, allow you to sell something on Marketplace, give you community... read more →
Having a cell phone attached to our hips is a normalcy of everyday life. It serves as a way to connect us with people, search for something with just a... read more →
The world is brimming with Millennials and continuing to grow with the newest consumers, Generation Z. As a marketer, it is important to know the differences in each generation. Their... read more →
This month, we have been centering our blog posts about the importance of planning out your social media. Not only does it help you stay ahead of what is happening... read more →
This month, we are focusing our writing and social media posts around the theme, "planning". Some of you may hate all the processes that go into planning, but it does... read more →
Have you checked your inbox lately? No, your email inbox. We mean your social media messenger inboxes. Read more about how social media engagement makes or breaks your social media... read more →
Updated September 2023 For years, digital marketers would cast their social media rods out into the social sphere with pieces of engagement bait attached to their posts. It worked for... read more →
This week, we attended the annual Midwest Digital Marketing Conference at Union Station in Downtown St. Louis. The entire two days was buzzing with social media gurus, content specialists, analytics... read more →