It’s been said that people learn about and to trust brands when they hear about them from someone they are close to. Influencer marketing gives people brands they can trust through other people who love it, too. Former Olympian Shawn Johnson East, celebrity icon Kim Kardashian West, an adorable golden retriever Tucker, home designer Joanna Gaines, and the “macrobarista” Alex Moe are all influencers.
Since 2016, influencer marketing has grown into a 6.5 billion dollar industry comprised of both large and micro-influencers. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, “Google searches for influencer marketing grew by 1500% in the last 3 years”. The growth in popularity is connected to current consumers trust in people rather than the brands themselves.
Influencer marketing helps consumers find trusted brands through the hubbub of marketing messages they hear each day. Influencers can be small everyday people such as a local influencer who posts about local restaurants to try. They can also be national or global influencers who are actors, athletes or educators. Truly, anyone can be an influencer, which is half the battle for companies trying to find them.
Finding influencers also means solidifying your brand standards. For example, if you are a food-based industry, look for influencers who use food products, visit restaurants, run a cooking social media or have a YouTube channel. It gives your consumers a genuine and authentic connection to your product, food or service.
You do not want to necessarily spend your days pinning for the Kim Kardashians of the world because smaller influencers are just as effective as the big names. Find local influencers in your target markets who can spread the word about your brand or products. You can search for them on social media platforms by using hashtags, brand keywords or google search for popular or trending influencers.
As influencer marketing continues to grow, staying on top of the trends and promoting your brand through relatable people will help you to grow. Learn more about the current state of influencer marketing by visiting