As king of the social media world, Facebook can do it all. It can help you find friends and family, allow you to sell something on Marketplace, give you community events and help you run a business online.
With over 2.38 billion users on Facebook as of May 2019, Facebook has a wealth of knowledge and tools that can be used to benefit your business. In our fourth installment of social media hacks, we are going to provide you with 4 quick Facebook tips you can leverage for your business.
Add a call-to-action on your business page. What do you want people to do when they come to your Facebook page? The call-to-action (CTA) button toward the top of your profile page can be changed depending on what you want people to do. If you want to start a conversation, make your CTA “send message”, or if you are trying to get people to do something specific, you can change it to “book now” or “shop now”.
Create Profile Photo Filters. Similar to Snapchat, Facebook allows you to create filters for profile photos. You can create these for an event, holiday, business promotion and more. To learn more about creating frames, visit this link.
Use auto-response bots for messenger. It is difficult respond to every message as they come in. Set up an automated response that provides people with relevant information such as “we will respond within XX time”, or “here is our email and phone number for a quicker response”. It lets people know it has been received, and it gives them next steps if they do not get an immediate response.
Customize your page tabs. On the left-hand side of every business page, you can add tabs. These tabs have a variety of offerings such as photos, about, events, offers, and community. You can also create customized tabs that are specific to the types of offerings your business has. For example, restaurants can add a menu option. To learn more about customized tabs, visit this link.
Want to increase your social media presence on Facebook? Call on Fly Pages to help save your digital day!